Student Consumer Information

The Student Consumer Information regulations of the United States Department of Education require universities to provide prospective and enrolled students, parents, and employees access to certain information. The following information is disclosed to you in compliance with federal law. For additional information, including requesting a paper copy of any materials, call the appropriate office or visit the indicated websites. The Office of Student Financial Services is responsible for the annual update of this information.


Academic Programs

Accrediting and Licensing Agencies

UE is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. See page 3 of the 2023-24 catalog.

Alcohol and Drug Policy/Prevention Programs

UE's policies on alcohol and drugs can be found at:

Athletics Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data

Code of Conduct for Education Loans

Copyright Infringement Policy and Peer to Peer File Sharing Information

The links below provide information about UE policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement and unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing as well as disciplinary actions taken against students who participate in such activities.

Cost of Attendance

Cost of attendance includes tuition and fees, living expenses (housing and food), books, course materials, supplies, and equipment, transportation, personal and miscellaneous expenses and any additional costs for a program in which the student is enrolled or expresses an interest.

Diversity – Student Body Diversity by Gender, Ethnicity, and Pell Grant Status

Emergency Response and Evacuation Information

Information about campus emergency action plans are available at:

Employment and Graduate School Information for Recent UE Graduates

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The University of Evansville complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (Public Law 93-380). FERPA is designed to protect the privacy of students by giving them rights concerning their education records. The complete policy can be found on page 35-36 of the 2023-24 University Catalog.

Federal Student Financial Aid Eligibility--Drug Convictions

Drug convictions no longer affect federal student aid eligibility. Your eligibility for federal student aid can be affected by incarceration. As of July 1, 2023, if you are subject to an involuntary civil commitment for a sexual offense, you may qualify for a Federal Pell Grant. More information can be found at:

Financial Aid Credit Balance Refund Policy

When financial aid for a given term exceeds the University's directly-billed charges, refunds of credit balances are processed by the cashier within the Office of Student Financial Services according to federal regulations, as described in this policy:

Financial Aid Information

The Office of Student Financial Services is the primary source for information about financial aid at UE. Detailed information about the availability of financial aid and the application process is available from the Student Financial Services office and the website. Additionally, descriptions of federal, state, UE, and private sources of assistance; eligibility criteria; information about entrance and exit student loan counseling, standards for determining satisfactory academic progress; methods and frequency of disbursements; terms of all student, parent, and private loans; and information and conditions for on-campus employment are available in various financial aid publications (including, but not limited to, the Financial Aid Guide that is published annually) and on the website. The office telephone numbers are 812-488-2364 or 800-424-8634.

General Information

UE admission procedures and processes for prospective students; all information on academic programs of study; and annual tuition, fees, housing, and meal charges. Call the Office of Admission at 1-833-BeAnAce (1-833-232-6223)

Graduation Rates by gender, race and ethnicity, and selected financial aid groups

Six-Year Graduation Rates for bachelor's degree-seeking students for Federal Pell Grant recipients, for students with a subsidized Direct Loan, for students without either a Pell Grant or subsidized Direct Loan, and for all students regardless of aid received.

Graduation Rates for General Student Body

The percentages of full-time undergraduate students who entered UE as their first undergraduate institution (excludes transfer students) who graduated 4, 5, and 6 years later are listed on the web.

Graduation Rates for Student-Athletes

The NCAA Graduation Success Rate measures graduation rates at Division I institutions and includes students transferring into the institutions. Information can be found under “University of Evansville” on the website:

Grievance and Complaint Procedures

The University of Evansville embraces a culture that encourages students to seek informal resolution to issues or concerns by directly contacting the faculty member or administrator who has the authority to respond. Download the following PDF document for more details.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 created a framework to protect the medical privacy of patients and health plan members. In general, HIPAA privacy regulations allow covered health care providers and health plans to share information for the purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations. The University of Evansville supports the goals of HIPAA and documents policies and procedures for securing protected health information in UE's “HIPAA Privacy and Security” policy. Questions can be emailed to The office telephone number is 812-488-2943.

Missing Person Protocol

Net Price Calculator

Program Closure Policy

Refund Policy and Return of Title IV Funds

If a student withdraws or drops a course, UE will follow its refund policy as published in the annually published Financial Aid Guide. The complete University refund policy and a summary of the requirements for the return of Title IV grant or loan assistance by students who withdraw from UE, and procedures to withdraw from UE can be viewed in the following document:

Retention and Graduation Rates of Degree-Seeking, First-Time, Undergraduate Students

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Security and Fire Safety Report

This annual report includes statistics for the previous three years of reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security and fire safety practices. The Office of Public Safety telephone number is 812-488-2051.

Services and Facilities for Students with Disabilities

The Office of Counseling Services coordinates the provision of appropriate and reasonable academic accommodations and support services for any qualified student with a properly documented disability. It is the policy and practice of UE to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The office telephone number is 812-488-2663. You can view more at the following area of our website:

Student Loan Forgiveness, Cancellation, and Discharge

There are some circumstances that may result in a student no longer having to repay his/her federal student loan. For instance, some or all of the loan amount could be forgiven in exchange for performing certain types of service such as teaching or public service. Or the obligation to make further payments on the loan might be discharged based on specific factors such as the school closing or the student becoming totally and permanently disabled. More information can be found here:

Study Abroad

Regularly enrolled UE students participating in University-approved programs abroad are eligible for federal financial aid, as well as UE and state grants (if eligible). The Office of Study Abroad works closely with the Office of Student Financial Services to provide helpful information for students with questions. Extensive information on international study options is available from the Office of Study Abroad. Their telephone number is 812-488-1085 and you can view more information at:

Teacher Preparation Accountability

Textbook Information

While students are not required to purchase their books at the University of Evansville Bookstore, students who choose to do so may charge up to $1,000 per semester of course-related books and supplies to their UE Student Account. Students with a credit balance on their UE Student Account resulting from a Federal Pell Grant and/or other aid who wish to purchase their textbooks somewhere other than the UE Bookstore may request a refund from the cashier within the Office of Student Financial Services.

Transfer Policies on Credits that Transfer to UE

Transfer Articulation Agreement Partner Colleges

Vaccination Policies

Verification Policy

Veteran Information

Voter Registration Information

Information on voting in local, state, and federal elections is available at the following sites: